June 28, 2011

We Are Still in a Drought in Much of Florida

We finally have begun to get our much needed rain here in the Ocala Forest, but what about all of our Lakes?
Okeechobee is still low and many lakes in this County remain well below normal.
A lack of rain for so long followed by recent heavy rains has caused some sink holes.
Here is a great place to see exactly what is happening at Okeechobee:

June 25, 2011

A Very Smart Bird!

The very rare Roseate Terns have many choices in the area to make their homes.
So, where do they choose to do so?
On the roof of the FWC building in Marathon, in the Florida Keys, that's where!
Due to all of the usual reasons, there are only about 300 pairs left here.
This roof top has about 67 nests and they are all very closely watched.
Smart birds!

June 22, 2011

A Manatee Update......

After all of the recent sad news, how great is this?
This story in today's St. Pete Times is exactly what Manatees need.

June 19, 2011

Have a Safe, Happy Father's Day Florida

And while you are out on the water in your boats, please be aware that the extreme low water levels statewide are making Boat/Manatee collisions more likely than ever before.
Low water levels aren't the only hazard for the Endangered Florida Manatee, Flagler County recently made a crucial decision about them:
And there is also danger on the rivers in Northern Florida:

June 16, 2011

Should What We Do in our Private Life be Made Public?

This information is not new, but the point is, should you and others be made aware of it?
Elephants are not an Endangered Florida Species, so should it even be brought up on this website?
You tell me.
If after reading the story, you feel as disgusted as I was, please let this man know.
Since he is a business man first and foremost, maybe the best way to voice your displeasure with his actions, is to not do business with his company, ever!

June 13, 2011

Florida's Drought is Number One Topic Now

All over Florida Humans and Wildlife are feeling the impact of the worst drought here in 80 years and if the rain doesn't start soon and begin our wet season, the wounds will be deep and painful for all of us.
Sad to say, but the complete absence of Hurricanes recently has really hurt state water levels and without any of them for the past three years, Florida is just about to dry up and blow away.
In 1998, when the weather was quite similar to this year, we had one of the worst fire seasons ever.
If we don't get some serious rain and very soon, we could have a repeat of that year.
Humans can buy bottled water and cut back on use, but what do the wild things do?
There is no where for them to get water if everything is all dried up.
Florida is looking more and more like a desert every day and we gave away our precious water to out of state bottling companies for free!
Thank you to all those who are guilty of this stupid move.
You know who you are.
And the people who vote and pay your salaries are learning who you are too.

June 10, 2011

My First Black Bear

Today for the first time in my life,  I saw a Black Bear.
I was on my way into town from our house in the Ocala Forest and it was just sort of sitting in the middle of the road, gasp.
I stopped my car and we looked at each other for a bit.
I am quite sure that I was not breathing.
Then it ambled back in the woods as I talked to it.
It was not very old, probably a teenager.
Its coat was so black and shiny, like it had just been bathed and polished up for a photograph.
It was so beautiful, so unexpected, it was hard to stay quiet.
What came to mind as it looked into my eyes was this:
How on Earth could anyone ever, ever shoot this gift to us?
He/she is not aware that it has just been taken off of the Threatened Species List and very soon, humans will come start coming in great numbers to blow its brains out, so that they can hang its head on a wall as a trophy, or proof of their great hunting skills.
And just who is truly the animal here?

June 7, 2011

Florida Forever Funding Cut for Third Year in a Row

If you don't know what this group is or what it does, you should.
What they are trying to do, like the salmon swimming upstream,
is to save Florida's last Wild Lands for our children and their children.

June 3, 2011

Great Advice for Those Who Write About the Endangered World

Many times over the years since I began writing about Endangered Wildlife, exactly what this woman is saying, has also occurred to me, that I need to be careful about telling what and where Endangered things are.
Sadly, she is quite correct.
There are many out there whose only interest in our planet is in finding out how they can profit from tragic situations.
So, thank you Julie, advice taken and passed along!