Picture credit: Angela George
As many of you know, my
education was in Anthropology and perhaps
you may have read the recent posting here
about Dian Fosey’s life and the movie, Gorillas
in the Mist.
Today in my email,
there was a story that I wish to share with
all of you, actually it was an outstanding
interview done by the Sierra Club recently
with the remarkable Jane
Goodall, who at nearly 80
years of age, still remains one of the
world’s most revered Anthropologists/Primatologists.
Mary Leakey, Margaret
Mead, Dian Fosey and Jane Goodall were my
heroes and as women, their importance in the
field of Anthropology, were as the
groundbreaking “door openers” for
all of the women of the science who would
follow them.
What is discussed in this
interview, is something very close to her
heart and mine as well, it is all about
What is so important about
seeds you may ask?
Seeds, are the primary
source of food supplies in countries all
over the Globe and for years they have been
controlled by Monsanto and may I add, they
do not have our best interests at heart.
This company has been
written about here previously and their
quite poor record on Global health issues is
a matter of public record.
GMO’s, seeds and what we
all need to know to protect our world and
the future of all food, which after water,
is without question, a most crucial part of
all human life, are discussed in the
Although a recent
most unflattering critique of her book
reveals some issues, these
remarks are about her
book, Seeds of Hope, however,
the issue of how extremely important seed
supplies in the world are, is what should
be focused upon.
What is that saying, “ let
those of us without sin cast the first
stone? “
Personally, my own sins
would probably reach from Florida to the
Moon and back~
So, if the critic’s claims
are true, I can and do forgive her for her
literary sins, but what I
believe is much more important here for all
of us, is the very bright light that she
shines on the subject of how Monsanto is
very successfully trying to control all of
our world’s food sources.
Goodall’s book may have
some problems, but her ideas about seeds,
are what should matter to all of us, if we
wish to have untainted food supplies in the
Hopefully you will have a
moment to read this intriguing, passionate
interview, about the potentially dark future
of our world’s food.
It’s not too important,
it’s only about whether or not our children
and their children will have safe, healthy
food to eat.