It was a bit difficult to choose a topic equally
as important as Earth Day for today's conversation.
But think this may do.
Let's talk about bees and the wondrous world of
If like me, or maybe not, you were not an expert
on their very vital purpose on our planet, here are a few thoughts.
It is quite simple, without pollinators, not much
would grow, including a great deal of the world's food supplies.
They simply said are, one of man's, forgive me
Breanna, best friends.
Pollinators can be seen on any warm day, flitting
from one plant, or flower to another, taking and leaving what we humans need to survive.
But, consider this, the bees and many
pollinators all over the Earth may soon no longer exist, why you
Their imminent demise is being blamed on, what in
our time, has become the single most detrimental toxin that any living thing can
be exposed to, pesticides.
And the pesticides
that may soon wipe out our pollinating friends, are neonicotinoid
Pesticides harm people, plants and animals
equally, as they are an equal opportunity killer.
Once their poisons get into our water sources, we
are all goners.
Remember Erin Brockovich?
Ask the residents of McFarland, California, in the
great San Joaquin Valley, where the continual use of pesticides on their
crops, poisoned the entire areas water supply and a great many of their children
now have leukemia.
There are many groups and individuals working
diligently to reverse the damage already done by these toxins.
One of these groups is the Center for Food
Safety, who is asking for your commitment to help stop this disaster in progress, by
taking a "pledge
to protect the pollinators."
The world of pollinators is made up of not only
bees, but many of their friends, which includes hummingbirds, butterflies and
numerous other helpful insects.
It's a gregarious group effort pollinating all of
the worlds growing things you see.
Ensuring that pollinators will always be here to
work for us, is merely a matter of making better choices in our gardens and in the food growing
Your local garden shops will know which ones are
eco and pollinator friendly, or just plain safe for all of us!
These changes can be done, these changes must be
done, if humans wish to continue to have food to eat and exist.
A place to learn more:
Pollinators and Pesticides