A Florida Black Bear in the Ocala Forest and a Florida Manatee mother and baby
Black Bear picture credit: FFWCC, Manatee picture credit: www.sfwmd.gov
The Black Bear pictured here was taken in an area quite near our house and according to Wikipedia:
“which supports the highest density population of black bears in North America.”
**Update……..Five Black Bears were killed last night by FWC**
FWC kills 4 bears in Lake Mary neighborhood where woman was mauled
Although Bears and Manatees may not be on your mind at this very moment, they need to be.
Two animal stories were on our local news this morning that need to be brought to your attention if you live in Florida.
Like much of the country, it is Spring right now here in Central Florida and a great many of our animals are on the move.
Black Bears everywhere in the state have ceased their hibernation states, short-lived as they were due to the fairly mild winter and have begun roaming into adjacent areas and neighborhoods in search of food.
Like you feel in the morning, they are now awake and very hungry.
So we MUST be vigilant right now everywhere, for their increased presence and state of hunger.
Last night a local woman was attacked, or surprised in her garage, by what may have been as many as 5 Black Bears.
Yes, she had left the garage door open, but, was their also garbage in there and or dog or cat food?
Not known yet.
Before there are even more Black Bears killed, as has been done recently, can we all please take an extra moment, to do what we know must be done and that is to keep alert and NEVER leave food outside and for heaven sakes, please remember to close your garage and shed doors at night.
We do not want or need another tragic round of Black Bear killings here, do we?
The second point to make you all aware of is, that our Florida Manatees are also starting to become active and are beginning to leave the warmth and safety of places like Blue Springs State Park and other warm water areas, and heading out to their cooler summer waters, all along the Florida Coastlines as well as inland locations.
So, when we take our boats out as or the days get warmer to where they Manatees live and travel, we need to be especially careful not to run into them.
Boat propeller strikes lead to countless unnecessary Manatee injuries and deaths every year.
And last year was an especially not a good one for them with over 800 deaths in various ways.
So when you are out in your boats from this point on, please observe the “slow down manatee zone” speed limit signs.
A Manatee’s life is depending on it.
So, while we are all busy right now celebrating Spring, can we all try to ensure that Florida’s Bears and Manatees will also be here to see it next year with us?
We all need to be a part of and support this, animal awareness alert.
Spread the word~
You may learn more here:
Bears drag Florida woman from garage
Officials Warn of Bears Stirring as Woman Attacked
Seasonal Manatee Speed Zones are in effect
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